

Dear Teenager, There are so many things I want you to know.  When I was your age I loved to write.  English was my favorite subject.  I had no way of knowing that something that came so easily was a gift for many. For decades, I was concerned with adults.  My job was to inspire, motivate, and educate them to be healthy.  It was tiring.  It was rewarding, but tiring.  I learned many years ago that behavior change as an adult is hard.  In addition, people don't want to pay for you to help.  They want a quick fix to problems that are 20, 30, 40, 50 years in the making.  I am burning out.  I need a change.  I asked myself a lot of hard questions over the last year.   It is clear that it is time for change. While I was working health club jobs for very little pay, (even though I had a college degree, and was very good at it) I was also raising a family. My family came first.  I had 2 children, a boy and a girl, 2 years apart.  Then I had another boy 7 years later.  They were my